

The smartest way of radiation-free surgical training with a live-imaging experience beyond simulation

RealSpine Lateral L2-S1

Lifelike anatomy for lateral access training in spine surgery

Realists Portfolio 2024

All our products and services in one document

Realists All-in-One

Realists provides complete customized solutions for spine surgery trainings and events

Voices of our Customers

Discover valuable insights from renowned spine surgeons who rely on Realists.

Realists Framework White Paper Series 1 of 4

Simulation in Surgical Education: An insight into the RealSpine Training System

Company Presentation

A complete description of our company, technologies and services.

RealSpine vs Cadavers

Compare the most important differences between our RealSpine Training System and surgical training with cadavers.

Realists for Industries

Discover the next standard for product-customer interaction!